Saturday, December 28, 2019

Where Do 0 Degrees Latitude and Longitude Intersect

The equator and prime meridian are both invisible  lines that circle the Earth, and they help us in navigation. Though invisible, the  equator (0  degrees  latitude) is a very real location that divides the world into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The prime meridian (0 degrees  longitude), on the other hand, was created by scholars who needed some point as a frame of reference to begin noting east-west points on the map. Location of 0 Latitude, 0 Longitude It is by pure coincidence that the coordinate of 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude falls in the middle of a little-known body of water. To be exact, the intersection of  zero degrees  latitude and zero degrees longitude falls about 380 miles south of Ghana and 670 miles west of Gabon. This location is in the tropical waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean, in an area called the Gulf of Guinea. The Gulf of Guinea is part of the western edge of the African tectonic plate. Most notably, according to the theory of continental drift, this may have been the location where South America and Africa were once joined. A look at the maps of the two continents quickly reveals the remarkable possibility of this geographic jigsaw puzzle. What Marks 0 Degrees Latitude, 0 Degrees Longitude? Very few people in the world will ever pass over the point  where the equator and prime meridian meet. It requires a boat and a good navigator, so, unlike the prime meridian line in Greenwich, there is not much call for tourism at this location. The spot is marked, though: a weather buoy (Station 13010—Soul) is placed at the exact location of  0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude. It is owned and maintained by the Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Atlantic (PIRATA). Like other buoys, Soul regularly records weather data from the Gulf of Guinea, such as air and water temperature and wind speed and direction. Null Island Natural Earth GIS Data also added an imaginary island to the 0,0 location in 2011. It is a designated area of one square meter (10.8 sq ft) called Null Island. Natural Earth Data refers to it as a troubleshooting country ... with an Indeterminate sovereignty class, and it is used for for flagging geocode failures which are routed to 0,0 by most mapping services. (Geocoding is a process that takes data involving physical addresses and translates them into geographical coordinates.) Since its creation, through fiction, the island has been given its own geography, flag, and history. Is This Intersection Important? The equator is an important line on the earths surface. It marks the line above which the sun is directly overhead on the March and September equinoxes. The prime meridian, on the other hand, is an imaginary line, created by people to mark zero degrees longitude. It just happens to pass through  Greenwich, but it could have been located anywhere. Therefore, the intersection of zero degrees longitude and zero degrees latitude is of no geographic significance. However, just knowing that it is in the Gulf of Guinea may serve you well on a geography quiz, when playing  Jeopardy  or  Trivial Pursuit, or just  when you want to stump your friends and family. Sources US Department of Commerce, et al. â€Å"NDBC Station Page.†Ã‚  NDBC, 8 Nov. 1996.â€Å"Natural Earth Version 1.3 Release Notes: Natural Earth.†Ã‚  Natural Earth Title, 2011.

Friday, December 20, 2019

William Shakespeare s Othello And Timon Of Athens

Of the many people to have critiqued King Lear, A.C. Bradley arguably does the most through job as seen in Lecture VII and VIII of his work Shakespearean Tragedy. In Lecture VII, Bradley begins by discussing the similarities King Lear has to Shakespeare’s other works including Othello and Timon of Athens (245-246). For instance, in Othello, Iago reminds of Edmund and Othello’s trickery reminds us of the deceitfulness of Gloucester. Additionally, the scene where Othello watched Iago and Cassio talk about Bianca bares a similar resemblance to Edmund’s attempt to make Gloucester see his conversation with Edgar (Bradley 245). Bradley then goes on to discuss the lack of clarity in many of the important scenes such as why King Lear would divide the kingdom among his daughters and make them tell him how much they love him (250). Furthermore, although the final battle was of the most importance, it became largely insignificant because of the numerous prior battle sc enes and characters involved (Bradley 255). Bradley also raises some very interesting questions in regards to the number of inconsistencies throughout the play such as why Gloucester traveled to Dover to attempt suicide, why Kent stays in disguise during the final scene, and why Shakespeare does not provide us the locations of the scenes like in his other works (257-259). As the lecture progresses, Bradley delves deeper into analyzing King Lear. Bradley starts by pointing out the use of double action, which heShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Influence On The Course Of World History1440 Words   |  6 PagesWaldo Emerson, a famous essayist inspired by Shakespeare’s works. William Shakespeare was a renowned author, poet, actor, and playwright. He has contributed to many components of life today such as; founding modern English language, contributing to literature, contributing to modern theater, and contributing many of his works to modern English. William Shakespeare h as greatly impacted the course of world history. William Shakespeare was believed to be born on April 23,1564, in his hometown of Stratford-upon-AvonRead More Shakespeares World Essay3144 Words   |  13 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Almost every nation on earth reads, studies and performs the works of William Shakespeare. No writer of any country, nor any age, has ever enjoyed such universal popularity. Neither has any writer been so praised. As William Hazlitt observed, quot;The most striking peculiarity of Shakespeares mind was its generic quality, its power of communication with all other minds.quot; It is perhaps this quality that has earned Shakespeare the supreme accolade, that of lending his name to an era. Other thanRead MoreEssay on Biography of William Shakespeare2736 Words   |  11 PagesBiography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, three of whom died in childhood. John was a well-known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry, or high social position. The house where Shakespeare spent his childhood stood adjacent to he wool shop in which his father plied a successful

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Daniel L Schafer Analysis free essay sample

In Daniel L. Schafer’s book Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley: African Princess, Florida Slave, Plantation Slaveowner, the life of a somewhat mysterious African born woman is broken down. There were many challenges to writing a biography on a woman who did not write any letters nor kept a diary on the events of her life. This and the fact that she was an African slave in the beginning of her life over in Florida made writing such a biography all the more challenging. I feel that Schafer has succeeded in providing an organized and descriptive piece on a historical figure whose background has very much been shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. The book stays true to the thesis and keeps Anna Madgigine Jai at the center of every topic. In the preface of this biography, Schafer makes his thesis very clear. He wants to write a â€Å"lively and imaginative yet scholarly† account of Anna Kingsley’s life that will appeal to a wide audience. He wants the reader to know the life of Anna and tries not to have her husband Zephaniah’s life accounts overpower hers. He begins by addressing the claims over in Florida that Anna was royalty in Africa. The claims of her being royalty can best be described as a legend that started to get passed around through word of mouth. There are no official documents stating if she was definitely royalty or not; also due to the fact that she was purchased as a slave by Zephaniah Kingsley, no documents of her family tree were recorded. However, Schafer did his best to find some truth in the legend. He relies on a local historian by the name of Abdou Cisse and also elders in the village of Yang Yang to explain the situations going on in the area around the time of Anna’s captivation to draw judgment on what her social status was in Africa. Their accounts both mention how Anna’s father was in competition for the throne but failed in the end, and Abdou Cisse mentions that the family would not want it to be known that Anna was a slave (Schafer 16-17). I feel that Schafer used this information in a responsible way that is sure to not mislead his reader, he makes it clear that her status of being royalty is uncertain. This portion of the book is a good example of how Schafer is able debunk tall tales from facts with the help of credible historical accounts. His quoting and references from many historical documents and people is what makes his book accurate and unbiased. Schafer uses many different sources to help drive and reinforce important points in Anna Kingsley’s life. He includes excerpts from interviews done with the people in Anna’s life, one such interview includes one done with Zephaniah Kingsley by Lydia Maria Child. The interview relates to the tales of Anna’s supposedly royal backgrounds and also the place of her marriage. Once again, Schafer is speaking on an uncertain topic but still manages to have strong supportive references so that the reader can get a better feel of what Anna’s life may have been like. I think one of the best sources he decided to include in his book were the accounts from the book The Summer of the Great-Grandmother by Madeleine L’Engle. This book gives accounts on the visits of a woman named Susan Philippa Fatio L’Engle to Anna Kinglsey when she was at Fort George Island. According to the book, the two women became friends and implies that Anna was a very interesting woman and provided enough conversation to keep such a â€Å"distinguished white lady† intrigued (Schafer 61). This source is important because it breaks down the idea that women of different races did not bond at all during such a racially segregated time. I feel that it also shows Anna being someone who can socialize with people of many different background types and does not feel inferior to whites because of her skin tone. This shows she considered herself equal to whites during the time, instead of bowing down to them, she bonded with them. This is the image that I feel Schafer wants us to see when we think of Anna Kingsley. She was a strong woman placed in a position that yielded power and respect from many races. Schafer also portrayed Anna as a heroine by telling the story of how she set fire to her own home after the British had taken over (Schafer 42). This story may or may not be true as well, but I feel Schafer added it in his book to further reinforce his idea of the woman Anna may be. Anna Kingsley’s life is described by Schafer through many time periods. He does not focus on one point in her life too strongly while leaving some areas lacking in detail or evidence, each time period in her life has substantial supporting evidence. His book is organized chronologically and gives insight on events during the time that affected Anna’s life as a slave married to her owner and also when she was a free black woman. He also explains the lives of Anna and Zephaniahs children in great detail. He is sure to include how events that effected Anna’s life also effected theirs. One of the strongest aspects of this book is how he used the accounts from other people and the situations that those people faced in a way that still keeps Anna as the main focal point. Even though he is using the lives of other people to tell her story, he does so in a way that does not confuse the reader. He worked well with the limited information he found and went the extra mile b y traveling to the area Anna was believed to be a descendant from in order to learn more about her. There is still some uncertainty about all of the events involving Anna Kingsley, but Schafer’s book does manage to clear up some of the mysteries that involve Anna and gives historical insight of how Florida was during the times slave trading was practiced.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Strategies of Research in the Accounting Setting and Practices

Question: Discuss about the Strategies of Research in the Accounting Setting and Practices. Answer: Introduction Generally, this research paper is divided into four major parts or questions in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of the study. For case, the first part is about research plan for the research that describes and analyzes various concepts and principles and applications of research that could be used in the accounting. Moreover, the second part of the study would address and analyze the key differences among the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs and their used. The next part of the study is suggests that how the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods are different as compare to Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods in the research. Finally, this research paper analyzes and evaluates the major factors or forces that may affect the successful implementation of managementaccounting systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Research Plan for the Research The Objective of the Research: Based on the given scenario, it is analyzed that, the main objective/purpose of conducting the research is to find and access the views and opinion of the company staff about the use of new system within the company. Moreover, to provide specific suggestions and recommendation in order to bring improvement within the current new system to overcome future challenges and issues is also the key aim of the research (Punch, 2013). Use of Qualitative Approach: Generally, a qualitative research approach would be used in this research in order to effectively and properly address the research questions and solve the research problems in an effective and proper manner. In addition to this, qualitative research approach would be used because it is most appropriate technique to collect qualitative information about the research topic, research questions and attain the research outcomes. For example, qualitative research will also offer in depth information about the research problem and help in addressing the research questions properly (Ng, Lingard, and Kennedy, 2013). In the same way, by using qualitative research method, information and data can be collected easily that is essential to address the research questions. Qualitative research method is also allows the researcher to collect subjective information and explore new area of research. For case, with the help of qualitative research approach, the researcher c an address and solve the complex research questions that can only be possible with qualitative research. On the other hand, in this study, the researcher would use qualitative research in order to collect detailed information about the opinion and attitude of staff regarding the use of new system (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015). The population Participants: In the study, the staff of the accounting firm and business partners are the population in the study which the employee or staff would be the main participant in this research because they are using new system in the company. Participants would play a lot of significant role in the overall success of the research because they will help in solving the research question and addressing the research problem effectively (Gerrish, and Lacey, 2010). Determination of Sample Size: In this research study, sample size would be determined by considering a number of observations and replicates. Moreover, the researcher would use and determine sample size in this study on the basis of data collection. At the same time, it is also important to know that, in this research study, the researcher would adopt various specific and scientific methods to determine the sample size from the study. For example, the researcher can use own experience and targeting the population of the study to determine the sample size in effective and proper manner (Mertens, 2014). How the sample of participants will be selected from the population: In this study, the researcher would adopt and use various techniques and method of sampling in order to select the sample of participants from the population. For example, simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, stratified sampling, clustered sampling, convenience sampling, Quota sampling etc are the most common and valuable sampling techniques that can be used as per the nature of study in order to select the sample from the population. This sampling method is more valuable in the research that allows the researchers to infer important data and information about a population. As this research is qualitative research, so the research would use simple random sampling method to select the sample (O'Leary, 2013). Data Collection from Participants: In this research study, data would be collected by using qualitative method of data collection. In addition to this, to collect the information from the participants of the study, the researcher would prepare and send a set of open and close ended questionnaire to the participants to gather the data and information about the research study. On the other hand, Surveys, and Interviews are other significant methods of collecting qualitative information from the participants. Hence, the research can conduct interviews and survey to gather the qualitative information to solve the research questions and address the research problem effectively (Mackey, and Gass, 2015). Example of the Questions: The following are the key questions that will be posed to participants: 1. How the new system helped you to increase your work productivity and skills? 2. What are the major benefits and advantages gained by you by using new system in the company? What are the key strategies or methods you would propose in order to bring improvements within the new systems? Steps to analyze the collected Data: The following are the major steps that would be used to analyze the collected data such as: Defining Questions Organizing information Setting of Clear Measurement Priorities Collecting Data (Creswell, 2013). Analyzing qualitative Data Integrate the information Interpreting Results Limitations: This research has not wider scope for the further research because lack of appropriate research methods and techniques. Moreover, the research does not have clear research objectives, questions, and methods that is main limitation of this study. There is also no link among the research questions and research problem that is other limitations of this study (Baskerville, and Wood-Harper, A2016). Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs The questions used in interviews are constructed differently in quantitative compared to qualitative research designs. For example, in the quantitative research design, interview questions are design to generate numerical data or information that is transferred into tables, charts and statics. But, in the Qualitative research design, interview questions are design to understand the motivation, reasons, and understanding. Moreover, when a research uses quantitative method to create interview questions, he or she use measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research (Smyth, 2016). But, Qualitative method is used to collect the quality data from the interview. Along with this, it is also important to know that, in the qualitative method, interview questions are develop by using various methods techniques such as: individual interviews, focus groups, participation/observations etc. In contrast, when interview questions are developed as per the quantitative method, the researcher uses different methods including face-to-face interviews, online polls, paper surveys, kiosk surveys, longitudinal studies, telephone interviews, online polls, website interceptors etc. Hence, it can be said that, questions used in interviews are constructed differently in quantitative compared to qualitative research designs (Guercini, 2014). Distinguish Between Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods There are several differences can be found among the Explanatory Sequential and Exploratory Sequential mixed method techniques of research. For example, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods is use to analyze and collect the quantitative data with the help of qualitative analysis. But, Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods mainly is utilized by the researcher to collect the qualitative data (Thomas, Nelson and Silverman, 2011). On the other hand, Explanatory Sequential method firstly focuses on gathering quantitative information then it collects qualitative in order to investigate the quantitative results. In the same way, it generates quantitative results effectively. In contrast, in using of Exploratory Sequential method, the researcher first gather qualitative information and then collect quantitative data. So, it produces quantitative information for the researcher (Vaishnavi, and Kuechler, 2015). In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, each types of research mixed methods design are used in the research to conduct the research. Both are appropriate for the research but use for the different purpose. For example, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods is most appropriate when the researcher wants to collect qualitative results to explain and interpreting the finding of a quantitative study. At the same time, Exploratory Sequential mixed method is appropriate when the researcher try to develop and test a new instrument in the research study (Tran, 2016). Computerized Information Processing System It is analyzed that, Simples Solution is a consulting company that helps its client organizations in improving internal communications. Moreover, it is decided by the management of the company that, Simples Solution would adopt computerized information processing system in run the business operations and functions accurately, smoothly and effectively. The new system would provide a lot of benefits to the employees and organizations. For case, the new system would allow the accountants to conduct variousaccounting functions and transactions more innovatively and effectively (Whitbeck, 2011). On the other hand, the functions of the new system would not be limited because it would also help the organizational people to collect significant and meaningful information to make most appropriate decision. In the same way, the new computerized information processing system would improve decision making abilities of the employees in developing client record keeping system. But, there are severa l factors or forces that may contribute or hinder the successful implementation of management accounting systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As an assistant accountant at Simples Solution, I am responsible to make a report on the factors that may affect the success of the new system (Veiga, and Eloff, 2007). It is found that, there would be several types of technological factors that would affect the success of new systems. For example, service quality, system quality and information quality are the major technological factors that may affect the acceptance of new computerized information processing system and increase the performance of the new system within the small and medium company. On the other hand, if the new system would be easy to use, flexible, easy to learning, and responsible, it would improve the organizational productivity, and profitability. In contrast, if the new system would not be flexible and easy, it may affect the success and growth of the company. At the same time, it is analyzed that, computer self-efficacy and user experience are the people oriented factors that may affect the success of new system in the company (Duggan, Johnson, and Grawemeyer, 2012). Apart from this, there may be various organizational factors that would have a direct impact on the successfully implementation of new system. For case, top management support, and end-user training are considered two major factors that could affect the implementation process. It is because the successfully implantations of new system would require proper and specific support from the top management to attain the key objectives. If there would be no support from the higher management of the company, the new system could not be successfully implemented at the company. On the other hand, after the support from top management, a small and medium company would have to provide and conduct the training programs on the new system so that the employees can effectively understand the benefits and advantages of using new systems (Jansen, and Grance, 2011). The cost and time are others factors that may also affect the success of new system. For instance, when the company implements the new system at the workplace, it would require recruiting special and technical staff to effectively execute the new system. So, in recruiting of new staff, the company has to pay them for their services that may increase the costs of the company and affect the profitability of the company. Moreover, Availability of Resources can also create a lot of challenges and affect the success of new systems. For case, if there would be lack of available resources, the company could not successfully execute the new system at the workplace. (Bidgoli, 2006). In addition to this, involvement of the stakeholders, proper training, leadership and management support, available resources, financial support from company, and support from the community etc are the fundamental forces that may affect the successfully implementation of new technology or system at the workplace. For example, all the stakeholders such as: customers, employees, management, investors, community should participate in the new system and provide their suggestion to make it more successful. If there would be no proper support, the company could not be able to implement a new system effectively at the company. It may also affect the results and outcomes in the future. On the other hand, it is also important for a company to provide sufficient resources to their staff, technical teams, and employee so that they could effectively and properly adopt new system at the workplace. In contrast, if a company does not provide required resources, the staff would not be able to adopt new system at the workplace. Hence, there should be proper and sufficient resources in order to execute the new system successfully (Veiga, and Eloff, 2007). Apart from this, it should also be noted down that, in order to make new system more successful, a company should also provide financial assistance to their staff so that can utilize available resource to attain the objectives of new systems. At the same time, it is also important to the company to promote the needs and wants for the new system at the workplace to make technology more successful. In addition to this, it is also found that, for the use and execution of new computerized information processing system, a company would also need to develop innovative, dynamic and specific strategies in order to fulfill the aims and objectives associated with the new technology and systems. Moreover, the employees motivational level should be increased to successfully use the new system at the workplace. Furthermore, a company should also analyze both internal as well as external business environment before implementing any new system. It is because without analyzing the external and inter nal factors, the company could not be success in executing new system in the company. Hence, it can be said that, all these factors would affect the success of new computerized information processing system (Guercini, 2014). Conclusion Overall, it can be concluded that, the concepts, principles, applications of the research plays significant role in the accounting setting and such concepts could improve the accounting and financial performance of the companies. Moreover, it can be said that, both Between Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods are not similar. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs are major different methods used in research to attain the research objectives and various differences could be found among these two. Finally, it can be concluded that, organizational, technical and people oriented factors affect the success of new system in a company. References Baskerville, R. L., and Wood-Harper, A. T. (2016). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. USA: Springer International Publishing. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. UK: Sage publications. Gerrish, K., and Lacey, A. (2010). The research process in nursing. USA: John Wiley Sons. Guercini, S. (2014). New qualitative research methodologies in management. Management Decision, 52(4), pp. 662-674. Mackey, A., and Gass, S. M. (2015). Second language research: Methodology and design. UK: Routledge. Mertens, D. M. (2014). Research and evaluation in education and psychology: Integrating diversity with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. USA: Sage publications. Ng, S., Lingard, L., and Kennedy, T. J. (2013). Qualitative research in medical education: Methodologies and methods. Understanding medical education: evidence, theory and practice, 371-384. O'Leary, Z. (2013). The essential guide to doing your research project. UK: Sage. Punch, K. F. (2013). Introduction to social research: Quantitative and qualitative approaches. UK: Sage. Smyth, M. (2016). Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, Reconceptualizing Qualitative Research: Methodologies without Methodology: (2015). London: Sage. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 1-3. Taylor, S. J., Bogdan, R., and DeVault, M. (2015). Introduction to qualitative research methods: A guidebook and resource. USA: John Wiley Sons. Thomas, J. R., Nelson, J. K., and Silverman, S. J. (2011). Research methods in physical activity. USA: Human Kinetics. Tran, B. (2016). The Nature of Research Methodologies: Terms and Usage within Quantitative. USA: John Wiley Sons Vaishnavi, V. K., and Kuechler, W. (2015). Design science research methods and patterns: innovating information and communication technology. USA: Crc Press. Whitbeck, C. (2011). Ethics in engineering practice and research. USA: Cambridge University Press. Bidgoli, H. (2006). Handbook of Information Security, Threats, Vulnerabilities, Prevention, Detection, and Management. USA: John Wiley Sons. Duggan, G. B., Johnson, H., and Grawemeyer, B. (2012). Rational security: Modelling everyday password use. International journal of human-computer studies, 70(6), 415-431. Jansen, W., and Grance, T. (2011). Guidelines on security and privacy in public cloud computing. NIST special publication, pp. 800, 144. Veiga, A. D., and Eloff, J. H. (2007). An information security governance framework. Information Systems Management, 24(4), pp. 361-372.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Nobel Prize in Literature Essay Example For Students

The Nobel Prize in Literature Essay Traditionally, famous people are known because of their extraordinary qualities like acting, musical talent, athletic skill or simple beauty. Woody Allen is known for his talent to write and direct outstanding films, Mario Vargas Lliosa is known for winning The Nobel Prize in Literature in 2010 because for his cartography of structures of power and his trenchant images of the individual’s resistance, revolt and defeat, Cristiano Ronaldo is known for his extraordinary football skills and Andy Warhol is known for being a leading figure in the visual art movement known as pop art. These people are known to be famous for their unique qualities and because of that a definition of fame should be understood as a very big professional success. However, now, in a contemporary society there are people who are even more famous than the ones above and Paris Hilton is one of them. We will write a custom essay on The Nobel Prize in Literature specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now This is a perfect example how someone who doesn’t have any unique qualities, can become more famous than someone who has those unique qualities. Her fame comes out of fame itself, she’s known to be famous – for being famous. On the other hand, there are thoughts that people like Paris Hilton, shouldn’t be called famous, because they are known to be celebrities. This explanation is quiet simple and makes sense, but in nowadays society fame doesn’t mean what it meant before and now the synonym of it is visibility. When a person is visible, he/she is known, when someone is known, that means that he/she is famous. Fame, visibility, celebrity, being known comes out from the same circle. One of the reasons why the concept of fame changed, because television was invented, with that came bigger visibility and that led to fame. Reality shows is a great way to get that visibility and to get the attention that the participants desire. With that said it is clear that fame/visibility is one of the reasons why people want to participate in reality shows. Fast money, public recognition are the typical signs of narcissism. Our society constantly gets the signs from media, newspapers and another communication systems that the true happiness comes with fame, because with fame comes wealth. A contemporary mentality opened the doors to the reality television, without realizing that the consequences might be tragic. The youngest people in our society get indoctrinated by the idea that fame is the most important ambition you can have. Most of them will know who is Paris Hilton, but won’t know who is Mario Vargas Lliosa, because they don’t see him on the television. Parents and teachers tell us that it takes a hard work to become successful, others say that you are born with natural talents. At this time, neither hard work, nor talent is required to achieve fame. However, it shouldn’t be misunderstood that hard work doesn’t make a difference; it does, just not in fame accomplished by participating in reality shows. This new pure kind of fame without subject or predicate is like the kind of sensation that might derive from being admired while riding in someone else’s Mercedes Benz. The anonymous noticing of a murderer is the same as that of a scientist who makes a breakthrough. The only thing that is eventually important is that they both get equal time framed in a flat media image not even for fifteen minutes. With that said let’s remember a murder of John Lennon that happened in 1980s in New York by a deranged fan. In a prison interview to ABC News, a reporter, Barbara Walters, asked a murderer (Mark David Chapman) why he killed him, the answer was simple: John Lennon fell into a very deep hole, a hole that was so deep inside of me that I thought by killing him, I would acquire his fame†. Noticeably, he said I would acquire his fame, not I would acquire fame, which on one hand shows that he wanted to be as famous as John Lennon was, with a meaning that not only he would be known in USA (where the murder happened) but all around the world. Well, now his name appears in Wikipedia, he appeared in almost all television channels and the album that John Lennon singed for him hours before he killed a former Beatle star now is up for sale at over 500.000 pounds. .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df , .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .postImageUrl , .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df , .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:hover , .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:visited , .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:active { border:0!important; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:active , .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua0ed1a4551bbe42206694b6e4ab144df:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Anne Finch's Opposition to The Rape of the Lock The Restoration Period 1660-1700 EssayMark Chapman is famous now, he acquired wanted fame, but kind of fame is that? Do by murdering someone you can call yourself famous? With that said, it looks like fame and the need of being famous is becoming too dangerous for our society and especially the young ones. However, the ones who participate in reality shows just to acquire that fame don’t care about the consequences, because they are so obsessed of the need to be known. It shouldn’t be forgotten that with fame comes also the ugliness and the dark side of being famous. In an interview with Los Angeles Times Woody Allen described fame: â€Å"When you’re a kid you think to yourself, fame and fortune and it’s going to be so†¦but then you quickly find†¦wait a minute, the upside is nothing and the downside is nothing†. In a conclusion, it is known that reality television achieved the results that any other television program could. With the development of the mass communication technologies, entertainment and the way that people want to be entertained changed. Reality shows are much more than just simple entertaining programs, but it is a proclamation of subjectivity, where the person is centred to himself in a wish to achieve wanted fame and visibility. These narcissistic participants reflect the contemporary television audience and their obsessive need to be famous. Fame has become the ideological and intellectual fabric of modern capitalism. Along the evolution of society, the only consistent thing is our narcissistic fascination with ourselves, which is even more valued now. These entertaining shows and their base of reality turned to be significant and one of the key factors in modern mass communication system. Bibliography ADORNO, Theodor W., and J. M. Bernstein. On the Fetish Caracter. The Culture Industry Selected Essays on Mass Culture. London: Routledge, 2001. 39-40. Ceia, Carlos, ed. Angry Young Postmodernism. 1st ed. Lisboa: LuLu, 2010. CEIA, Carlos (1998), O Que à © Afinal o Pà ³s- Modernismo?, Edià §Ãƒ µes Sà ©culo XXI: Lisboa. COWEN, Tyler. What Price Fame? Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2000. HESMONDHALGH, David. The Cultural Industries. London: Sage Publ., 2007. HILL, Annette. Reality TV Audiences and Popular Factual Television. London [u.a.: Routledge, 2007. 179.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

New York The Symbolic City of Symbolic Statements and the Everyday City of Necessities.

New York The Symbolic City of Symbolic Statements and the Everyday City of Necessities. â€Å"The City and The Pillars† by Adam Gopnik was written after the 11th September terrorist attack on The World Trade Center. It is a description of the New York after the catastrophe. A motionless and descriptive narration about the city and aftermath of the events express fear and anxiety that captured it peoples’ minds and changed their attitude to the city itself.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on New York: â€Å"The Symbolic City of Symbolic Statements and the Everyday City of Necessities† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The author focuses on the subject of the New York appeal before and after the attack, and describes a real and symbolic New York. Through the article, the author makes use of various devices to provide the reader with the in-depth analysis and understanding of the real NYC and a symbolic one that was created during ages of its development. Thus, the author builds his narrat ion on two extremes. As it has already been mentioned, the author uses various stylistic and literary devices in order to describe the city. The article begins with the description of an ordinary day in the New York City: â€Å"On the morning of the day they did it, the city was as beautiful as it had ever been. Central Park had never seemed so gleaming and luxuriant- the leaves just beginning to fall, and the light on the leaves left on the trees somehow making them at once golden and bright green† (Gopnik 411) Broad use of epithets and comparisons creates the image of a beautiful day and beautiful city. People live their ordinary day and in seems that nothing pointed to the catastrophe. But there was something in the air that worried everyone†¦ The author compares the safety which people thought was surrounding them with the â€Å"protective bubble† that â€Å"had settled over the city, with a bubbles transparency and bright highlights, still seemed to be in pl ace above us† (Gopnik 411). One day, on September 11, this â€Å"bubble† burst. The author describes this event metaphorically, which produces the effect of suspense. With the help of the metaphors, epithets, metaphoric descriptions and comparisons, the other explores the themes of the New York life, real and symbolic city and vision of attack from the point of view of people who live in the city and out of it.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The real New York appears as a busy city. Gopnik describes it as: â€Å"In the uptown supermarkets, people began to shop. It was a hoarding instinct, of course, though oddly not brought on by any sense of panic; certainly no one on television or radio was suggesting that people needed to hoard. Yet people had the instinct to do it (Gopnik 411). It is a real life, and a real city that people got used to see. And even after the attack, when their image of the town had changed, they tried to live an ordinary life, but there was something unusual and extraordinary in their behavior that made them value â€Å"the real city† more that its â€Å"fashionable image†, â€Å"we will probably never be able to regard the city with quite the same exasperated, ironic affection we had for it before† (Gopnik 415). The symbolic city appears as a world of tourism, attraction and fan. The author presents it through the bright description of the famous places, such as Central Park, SoHo, the 7th Avenue, Times Square, and of course, The World Trade Center. But the image of the symbolic city was erased after the attack. Gopnik says that the advantage of living in New York was that it provided the opportunity of living in both real and symbolic city, â€Å"the symbolic city of symbolic statements (this is big, I am rich, get me) and the everyday city of necessities† (Gopnik 414). But one da y, the symbolic city was attacked by terrorists and people understood that the real city was important and necessary and it is the city that will go on because, â€Å"we now know what it would be like to lose it, and it feels like losing life itself† (Gopnik 415). Another theme explored by the author is the impact of the attack on The World Trade Center which was not so important before it was ruined. It became a â€Å"symbol of America† due to the media and journalists. This exemplifies how the social consciousness changed and how people reevaluated their vision of the New York City. The author does not provide actual details of the attack and does not show any dates. In fact, he reveals the memories and describes how the disaster influenced all people and each one separately. He writes, â€Å"people in Europe say America attacked and people in America say New York attacked and people in New York think, Downtown attacked.) For the financial community, this was the So mme† (Gopnik 412).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on New York: â€Å"The Symbolic City of Symbolic Statements and the Everyday City of Necessities† specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Thus, â€Å"The City and The Pillars† is a profound analysis of the New York society and the impact of the 9/11 attack on the people’s lives. The other provides the images of the real and symbolic New York though the social references, stylistic devices and metaphoric descriptions of the terrorist attack. Gopnik provides the idea that the image of the symbolic city was changed forever that influenced the â€Å"world image of the city†, as well as the way New Yorkers regarded it. Gopnik, Adam. The City and the Pillars in The Conscious Reader. Eds. Caroline Shrodes, Michael Shugrue, Marc Dipaolo, and Christian Matuschek. Pearson Education Canada, 2008. 411 – 415. Print.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Indigenous People and the Right to Self Determination Essay

Indigenous People and the Right to Self Determination - Essay Example The descendants of these indigenous people live in different parts of the world especially in the arctic and southern part of the pacific. This is according to those individuals that came to reside in countries earlier during which time people encompassing diversified cultures or even diversified ethnic origins arrived. Indigenous people include some Americans, the Aleutians and Inuit who reside in circumpolar region, northern Europe’s Saami, Australia’s Torres Strait Islanders and Aborigines as well as New Zealand’s Maori. As such, they have a history of unique characteristics retention and as such, these characteristics are by far differentiated when compared to those of other population segments (Ivison, Patton, & Sanders 2000). The U.N once asserted that, it is the identification of the indigenous people that can be regarded fruitful but not concentrating on trying to establish their definition. As such, the U.N based this on the criterion of self identificat ion, which is the most fundamental approach underlain in the documents that spell out the rights of a human (Shaw 2003). The fact that the indigenous people show distinct characteristics should be taken as a positive thing and as such, they must be protected by the international law. Therefore, there are several rights which are stipulated to protect them (Shaw 2003). Such a right is the right to self determination. Self determination can be described as a principle entailed in the law applying internationally whereby, it spell out the right to choose the political status of the entire world as well as the sovereignty. During the making of the choice, there should be no any form of manipulation in the form of external compulsions and interference (Suseno, Tri & Komnas HAM (Indonesia) 2006). The purpose of this paper is to address the issue of the indigenous people and thereby establishing ways in which these individuals can enforce their self determination rights. To understand the right to self determination of the indigenous people, it is better to look at the case between the Lubicon Lake Band and Canada whereby the communication which was submitted by Bernard Ominayak, who at that time was the chief of Lubicon Lake Band resulted to a decision being made by the committee handling the case (Suseno., Tri & Komnas HAM (Indonesia) 2006). As such, in that decision, a judgement was passed out that article 27 had a quotation of rights and as such, it spelled out the persons rights who reside in a community together with other people ought to give a hand in matters concerning the economic as well as social activities (Dersso 2010). The article made a clarity emphasis that these activities should be part and parcel of the culture of the society in which they reside in. At that time, the Lubicon Lake Band had its way of life put under threat and this indeed violated article 27 (Dyson, Hendriks & Grant 2007). Claiming capacity for the self determination right by the i ndigenous people is the most important focus point. If indeed these individuals were given a green light to exercise the underlying capacity, then they would in a consistent push for rights associated to autonomy, which encompasses the danger related to succession (Dyson. Hendriks & Grant 2007). The indigenous persons are entitled to a standard set in regard to protection and of which puts the basis on the combination of customary law applying internationally as well as legal instruments. In order to ensure that

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Causes and Effects on Global Economy Research Paper

Causes and Effects on Global Economy - Research Paper Example The spate of events undermined the confidence of the investors impacting the global financial markets. With the tightening of the credit norms, there was a slowdown in the economies worldwide. It is argued that the government and Federal banks could have avoided this situation had they acted on time. Critics put the blame on the regulatory practices of the government and credit rating agencies. The latter failed to assess the risk associated with the mortgage-based financial products. As a result of the high ratings given to these securities, they were passed on to the investors easily. A hike in the interest rate led to widespread delinquency on the home loans and early foreclosures. This increased the supply of houses thereby putting a downward pressure on their prices. The rise in the rates of delinquencies due to the steep housing installments eroded the value of the mortgage-based securities. Surplus liquidity and low rates of interest created conditions of easy credit and contributed to a housing boom. There was a considerable increase in the homeownership rates in the country most of which was comprised of the subprime mortgage. During this time credit was extended to the borrowers with a bad credit history. The installments on these loans were low initially but with the rest of the interest rates, the monthly installments of the borrowers also increased substantially. Meanwhile, the steep rise in the house price and credit created a building boom. The rise in the rate of foreclosure together with the surplus unsold houses caused a steep fall in the housing prices in the US. Another reason that contributed to the rise in the home loan delinquency was the quality of credit. Enticed by earning higher transaction fees the lenders failed to check the creditworthiness of the borrower and in the process extended credit to the high-risk segment.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Most important change issues facing health care organizations Essay

Most important change issues facing health care organizations - Essay Example These health care issues must be strategically managed through helping employees establish relationships and systems that can address their social, technical, and financial dimensions. Changing client characteristics affect healthcare provision because these differences have implications on their perceptions of health care, as well as their beliefs, values, practices, and access to health care, that affect their different uses of health care services. Demographics are significant drivers of the size and characteristics of the future health workforce, while demographic trends have deep implications for the future of the health care industry. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, together with other health care institutions, presented their 2003 report, Changing Demographics: Implications for Physicians, Nurses, and Other Health Workers. The report provided the following main findings: 1) the aging is increasing in number, which affect their demand for health care services that are specific to their needs and concerns; 2) a high population of aging citizens increases the burden on the health care system because they will be dependent on Medicare and Medi caid programs; 3) increase in population among minorities signifies increase in health care services demand, while their racial, ethnic, cultural, and religious differences can shape their use of health care services; 4) though more and more people are living in urban areas, many citizens still live in rural areas where nurses and physicians are in shortage; and 5) a great number of minority groups are living in poor or low-income communities where there are also shortage of health care staff and services (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services i-iii). In essence, the demographic trends mean that the clients have changing characteristics because of the racially and ethnically diverse patient population, as well as the growth of aging citizens.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Healthy Biscuit Industry India

Healthy Biscuit Industry India India Biscuits Industry is the largest among all the food industries and has a turnover of around Rs.3000 crores. India is known to be the second largest manufacturer of biscuits, the first being USA. It is classified under two sectors: organized and unorganized. Bread and biscuits are the major part of the bakery industry and covers around 80 percent of the total bakery products in India. Biscuits stand at a higher value and production level than bread. This belongs to the unorganized sector of the bakery Industry and covers over 70% of the total production. India Biscuits Industry came into limelight and started gaining a sound status in the bakery industry in the later part of 20th century when the urbanized society called for readymade food products at a tenable cost. Biscuits were assumed as sick-mans diet in earlier days. Now, it has become one of the most loved fast food products for every age group. Biscuits are easy to carry, tasty to eat, cholesterol free and reasonable at cost. States that have the larger intake of biscuits are Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Uttar Pradesh. Maharashtra and West Bengal, the most industrially developed states, hold the maximum amount of consumption of biscuits. Even, the rural sector consumes around 55 percent of the biscuits in the bakery products. Health biscuits are also gaining speed in market. It has become the part of the diet of many health conscious people. Many brands like Britannia, sunfeast and Parle are coming up with their variety of health biscuits which are beneficial during sickness or for diabetic people of health conscious people. The following survey is on this section of biscuits. It is done on 200 consumers of health biscuits who are randomly selected. OBJECTIVE OF THE SURVEY The objective of the survey is to find the factor which influences the customers to buy health biscuits of a specific brand. To know the expectations and requirements of all customers regarding health biscuits To find out how the biscuits of different brands are rated by the cosumers.. Also to find out what improvements the consumer wants in this line of biscuits. LIMITATION OF THE SURVEY Some of the respondents were not responding to some of the questions. Some of the respondents dine have so much information about the biscuit and the brand. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The methodology followed for conducting the study includes the specification of Research design, sample design, questionnaire design, data collection and Statistical tools used for analyzing the collected data. FINDINGS Britannia creamcracker is the most preferred health biscuits as most of the respondents buy this biscuits. Most of the respondents buying this biscuit are diabetic patients or they buy to keep themselves fit. Price of the biscuit is also satisfactory and quality wise also its good. Most of the respondents got aware of this biscuits by tv advertisements. The customers want more varieties in this line of biscuits. CONCLUSION After conducting this research it was found that the demand for the health biscuits is increasing and there is a lot of scope in this line. The current situation is that Britannia has the highest sales and demand for it health biscuits and the most demanded biscuit is nutri choise creamcracker. RECOMMENDATION AND SUGGESTIONS There should be more variety of healthy biscuits available. There packaging and advertisement should be taken care appropriately. Taste of these products should also be improved. They should also provide with more schemes and benefits Learning From this study I acquired the knowledge of different factors which affect the customer preference in biscuit market. Also how the respondents rate the product on the given factors.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ronald Reagan Administration Essay -- American History Politics Politi

In 1980, troubled by a unstable economy at home, a hostage crisis overseas, and the end of prior administrations that were not trusted, America elected Ronald Reagan by a landslide margin of victory. At sixty-nine years old, he was the oldest President to be elected. He was born in a small town in Illinois and served two terms as California governor starting in 1966. Reagan's track record proved to be very strong and included welfare cuts, decreasing the number of state employees, and halting radical student protesters. Like other GOP members, Reagan came into office promising to limit the power of government and to strengthen American military power overseas. "In this present crisis," Reagan said in his inaugural address, "government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem."(Reganfoundation). The new president wasted little time in institutionalizing the new conservative creed. In 1981, after surviving an assassination attempt, Reagan pushed his agenda of lower taxes (a measure that proved most beneficial to the rich) and steep budget cuts through a hesitant Congress. Furthermore, Reagan cut spending on social security, weakened organized labor groups, and lived up to his campaign promises by reducing government regulations that had prevented mergers while supervising the banking industry. At the same time, he appointed conservatives who would carry out his vision of smaller government to agencies like the EPA, his cabinet, and the courts. Anti-Communism was the cornerstone of the Reagan administration's foreign policy. The Reagan Doctrine had a turbulent relationship with the Soviet Union and Central America, more so than with other nations. President Reagan pushed for a space-based missile system to ... ...l fell and the Cold War ended in 1991. The Soviet collapse was the result of a culmination of many events, including the Chernobyl disaster, rebellion in the Baltic republics, and the rising expectations of consumers in a socialist system that could not produce anything of use. Reagan was indeed judicious in his rhetoric and in his Anti-Communist views. These actions on his behalf led to greater worldwide investment in democracy. 1. Anderson, Annelise, Martin Anderson, and Ronald Reagan. RONALD REAGAN'S PATH TO VICTORY: SELECTED WRITINGS BOOK. New Yrk: Free Pr, 2004 2. .Strober, Gerald S.. Ronald Reagan. Triumph Books, 2004. 3.10 Apr 2007 . 4. Reagan, Ronald. 06 Apr 2007 . 5.Robinson, Peter. How Ronald Reagan Changed My Life. Regan Books,

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Psychoanalytic and Trait Approaches Personality Assessment Essay

I have always attributed personality as being a culmination of environment first, biology second, and traits, or what my understanding of them was. I was not aware of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic approach, or the correct definition of the trait theory prior to beginning this class. The psychoanalytic approach to personality defines the origins of personality as being divided in to three parts; the id (unconscious), the superego (preconscious) and the ego (conscious). Each part plays a distinct role in memory, response, desire, decision making, and conscience. With all three parts interacting, conflicting, expending psychic energy, and dictating who we are. In contrast the trait theory approach describes personality characteristics that are stable and are the basis of why individuals to do something, in certain ways, consistently. The psychoanalytic approach is subjective and is not easily measured whereas the trait approach specifically identifies and measures the various tr aits that make up an individual and how they interact with each other to form a personality. Freud believed that personalities are formed in the early stages of childhood, and are a series of sexually themed developmental stages. The first stage; birth to roughly 18 months, is the oral stage. At this stage babies are all about their mouths, and their behavioral patterns originate from this area. Freud believed that during this stage if a negative experience occurs, and too much of the psychosexual energy is expended in this area, then a fixation of psychic energy can occur. The result would be the development of an oral personality as an adult. Adults with oral personalities tend to need some type of oral fulfillment; often putting their hands to their mouths, they may be smokers, or may drink too much. The second psychosexually themed developmental stage that children go through, according to Freud, is the anal stage. This stage, like the first, is where behavioral patterns can emerge depending on the amount of psychosexual energy which is expended. Here, children have to learn control over bodily functions and depending on whether the experience is positive or negative, like behavioral patterns emerge. Freud believed that a negative experience could result in an adult personality that is obsessive, and stubborn. According to Freud, defense mechanisms exist as a way for the ego to deal with things it cannot filter from the anxiety created within the superego and the id. Displacement is a classic example of a defense mechanism. Have you ever had a bad d ay at work where nothing you did would satisfy your boss? Wanting to tell your boss off or acting on the frustrations or feelings would be detrimental to your job status. Instead of acting on that frustration it stays pent up, and by the time you get home from work you explode at your child, or spouse for some insignificant little infraction. Your taking your aggression out on a person who did not pose a threat to you is displacement. A second defense mechanism is reaction formation. Freud believed that using reaction formation allows us to hide how we feel by acting the exact opposite. A good example would be a person who is extremely outspoken about gay rights. Freud would have no doubt believed that because this person’s beliefs were so extreme that this person must be fighting an internal demon; maybe this person was fighting their own secret feelings of attraction for the same sex. Hence the old adage â€Å"†¦doth protest too much, methinks† (Shakespeare, 1601). A third defense mechanism is Intellectualization. This defense mechanism helps a person to distance themselves by removing the emotional side of the circumstance which allows a person to focus from a colder intellectual viewpoint. A good example of this would be a husband that passes away and the wife, also a mother does not allow herself to feel or show her pain for the sake of the children. She reasons that if she shows her pain the children will feel worse and above all else she must protect them so she reads, learns, and concentrates on methods to help get them through it. The Big Five Factor that best describes my personality would be openness. I do have an active imagination, and am open to considering new idea’s, and am not happy in an environment that is routine. I tend to thrive in chaos, and enjoy research. The Big Five factor that least describes me is Agreeableness. I do c onsider myself to be a helpful person, and while I volunteer for many organizations, I tend not to be sympathetic or trusting. I guess I have some trouble categorizing myself as being one way or the other, or having a specific trait over another because I find that it all so subjective. I would have to say the trait theories best align with my personality. I have some trouble identifying with the psychoanalytic personality description. The core theories, though some of them make sense, do not seem to align with what goes on inside my head. I have been through some pretty traumatic things in my life, but I am conscious of all of them. Why? I am so aware of them, have had to feel them in my head, my whole life. What makes me so different from other people who have been able to shove them to an unconscious level? And, is that better? The psychoanalytic approach as found in the text says that defense mechanisms are believed to offer an instrument for the mind to be able to isolate what it cannot deal with, yet this approach does not offer any stable patterns on what makes one person less able to deal with something than another. In conclusion, it appears that no one theory easily defines what makes up an individual’s personality and so far it all appears to be subjective. Reference: Burger, Jerry M. (2008). Personality (7th ed.). Mason, Ohio: Cengage Learning.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on “A Modest Proposal“

Interpretation of â€Å"A Modest Proposal† â€Å"A Modest Proposal† was a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift depicting the horrific conditions of Ireland and the lives of the Irish people in 1729. The author portrays and attacks the cruel and unjust oppression of Ireland by its oppressor, the mighty English and ridicules the Irish people at the same time. However, Swift's opposition is indirectly presented. Jonathan Swift is able to do so by using the persona, irony, and wit in order to expose the remarkable corruption and degradation of the Irish people, and at the same time present them with practicable solutions to their unscrupulous and pathetic lives. The author uses a satire to accomplish his objective not only because he is able to conceal his true identity but also because it is the most effective way to awake the people of Ireland into seeing their own depravity. Swift creates a fictional persona because by hiding his true identity he is able to convince the readers of the significance of Ireland's problem and allow them to see truth and reality. The persona is a concerned Irishman who is very intelligent, sound, and serious. He appears to be a brute and a monster for proposing something evil and immoral very calmly as if it is normal to consume the flesh of another human being. What makes his proposal to be even more depraved is that he proposes to eat the babies. The persona declares, â€Å"and at exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them, in a such a manner as, instead of being a charge upon their parents, or the parish, or wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall, on the contrary, contribute to the feeding and partly to the clothing of many thousands† (2467). The persona justifies his proposal with numerous reasons. Besides the prevention of voluntary abortions and infanticide, it will also prevent the loss of money for maintenance of children and the abuse of women and child... Free Essays on â€Å"A Modest Proposalâ€Å" Free Essays on â€Å"A Modest Proposalâ€Å" Interpretation of â€Å"A Modest Proposal† â€Å"A Modest Proposal† was a satirical essay written by Jonathan Swift depicting the horrific conditions of Ireland and the lives of the Irish people in 1729. The author portrays and attacks the cruel and unjust oppression of Ireland by its oppressor, the mighty English and ridicules the Irish people at the same time. However, Swift's opposition is indirectly presented. Jonathan Swift is able to do so by using the persona, irony, and wit in order to expose the remarkable corruption and degradation of the Irish people, and at the same time present them with practicable solutions to their unscrupulous and pathetic lives. The author uses a satire to accomplish his objective not only because he is able to conceal his true identity but also because it is the most effective way to awake the people of Ireland into seeing their own depravity. Swift creates a fictional persona because by hiding his true identity he is able to convince the readers of the significance of Ireland's problem and allow them to see truth and reality. The persona is a concerned Irishman who is very intelligent, sound, and serious. He appears to be a brute and a monster for proposing something evil and immoral very calmly as if it is normal to consume the flesh of another human being. What makes his proposal to be even more depraved is that he proposes to eat the babies. The persona declares, â€Å"and at exactly at one year old that I propose to provide for them, in a such a manner as, instead of being a charge upon their parents, or the parish, or wanting food and raiment for the rest of their lives, they shall, on the contrary, contribute to the feeding and partly to the clothing of many thousands† (2467). The persona justifies his proposal with numerous reasons. Besides the prevention of voluntary abortions and infanticide, it will also prevent the loss of money for maintenance of children and the abuse of women and child...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The eNotes Blog Curiosity Killed No-One A Round-Up of eNotes Answers Across 10Subjects

Curiosity Killed No-One A Round-Up of Answers Across 10Subjects No matter what subject interests you, has you covered. Check out these recent answers from our expert editors, below: Literature: In  Of Mice and Men, who deserves to be punished for Lennies death? History: What was the Holy Roman Empire? Science: What is the final product of translation as a part of protein synthesis? Math: Given the sample {7,6,10,7,5,9,3,7,5,13} find the standard deviation. Arts: What are the principal characteristics of Baroque art? Business:  How does a subsidy affect a market? Social Sciences:  What is critical race theory? Law:  What social trends will affect the criminal justice system over the next ten years? Health:  Make the argument that individuals with preexisting conditions should be able to purchase health insurance at the same cost as those without such conditions. Religion:  How do theologians address the issue of how we give meaning to the world when a loved one dies? And an interesting discussion board to chime in on Should health insurance plans include infertility services?

Sunday, November 3, 2019

The head as medium and metaphor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The head as medium and metaphor - Essay Example A Cultural Inquiry It is with this premise—that art object contains cultural significance that interests to art pieces become an anthropological and historical inquiry in a sense. Such in a way that questions does not only revolves regarding information about specific art object—‘Where did it came from?’, ‘How was it made?’, ‘What material?’, ‘Who made it?’ but broader inquiry about the relation of the art object to the aspect of human life or the culture that it represents or belongs to—i.e. ‘What is its historical significance?’, ‘Is it a religious or sacred object for worship?’, ‘What symbolisms are attached to it?’ these questions means studying art in its cultural context (Hatcher 1999). For this paper, I would try to study the use of head as medium and metaphor in practice of art through its cultural context drawing upon example from two ethnic groups from Africa, the Ife and Yoruba. First, I would put into perspective the context of using the head as a symbol through historical account on the development of head as a symbol and how it transcends to art. Then I would specifically relate these cultural and historical symbolisms on the cultural interpretation of Ife and Yoruba as represented in the use of head in their art. Head as Symbol A severed head had been for most part of human history, the most typical religious symbol, decapitation have likewise been a ubiquitous theme on literature that have been prevalent in various genre. From the Middle Stone Age, to early medieval times, archeological findings have suggested that man have been for the longest time have strong fascination with severed head or have long found strong symbolism with a decapitated head. For a warrior, claiming a severed head of the enemy meant valor in battle, prestige, and a sign of power. As such, various art with motifs that have severed head on them; in Celtic sculptu re for instance the Pfalzfeld pillar â€Å"is adorned with carved heads on each side, and must have been crowned by another head, which has now disappeared† (Koch 2006). In medieval art, head is often times used to symbolize two things, one is the mind, and the other is the spiritual life. This is why decorative art during this period consists of heads of saints. In stark contrast, Plato assumed that the human head is representative of the world, as he writes in his Timaeus. To back up Plato’s assertion, Leblant postulates that the skull—the crown of the human body signifies the heaven as depicted by its spherical shape. Clearly, both Plato and Leblant see the head and its sphere-shape as symbolic of oneness (Cirlot 2002). The same concept of oneness is present in Egyptian hieroglyphics wherein the eagle’s head had been constantly used as an emblem and solar symbol to represent emanation of the cosmic flame and the universe’s spiritual fire. A repr esentation of two or more heads means a more intense head-symbolism. Thus, the Gemini—represented by two heads signifies the duality of nature; Hectate on the other hand has three heads representing the heaven, earth, and hell. Here we see that an invisible, eternal, and deeper meaning is attached to the symbolism of the head that it boarders to religion. It goes beyond simply looking at the appearances and goes deep into

Friday, November 1, 2019

Is the death penalty effective Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Is the death penalty effective - Essay Example The society is one which requires deeply and desperately at all times, a capital punishment. If not for the punishment, there would have been a much higher level of murders across the world. Without the capital punishment, the population would tend to use, ‘mob mentality’ in situations where the emotions get out of hand. There are a number of cases, both simple as well as more intense where people have lost their lives and it is important to note that without the prevalence of a death penalty, there would not be any deterrent to murder. If a person was simply to be locked in jail with complete access to food, clothes, and shelter without having to earn it, then people would take this option and would never worry about murdering anyone (Davis, 1998). In simple terms, our society is filed with a number of criminals and is not civilized enough to manage without a clear set down deterrent for the crime. Hence, it is necessary for the death penalty to be applied to ensure a s afer society. A number of experts have also pointed their views to the ineffectiveness of the death penalties and have also brought out the fact that in spite of the death penalties that are being used within the countries, there are still a number of people who tend to do the crime. The process of giving the death penalty is a long one with the criminals living comfortably in prison and this to a great extent tends to reduce the effectiveness of a death penalty. As a deterrent, it is important that the criminals are not given a chance and are executed right away to make the punishment a successful one (Dieter, 1998). However this clearly is not possible considering the number of laws and regulations that need to be considered before giving a person a death sentence, thereby making this method ineffective and inefficient. I personally believe that the death penalties are a very effective method of conducting the society and criminals that have committed murder. This is mainly because, the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Economic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7

Economic - Essay Example This paper explores the reasons why China’s economy might grow more slowly than it has in the last three decades. High dependence on investment for growth rather than consumption is likely to hurt China’s economy in the future. In the view of many economists, China needs to reduce this overreliance and rebalance in order to enable consumption to take control of the economy. The gross domestic product (GDP) of the country is mainly driven by consumption rather than investment. The annual GDP of China shows high potential of slowing in the future irrespective of the implementation of reforms (Tian Para 1). According to Robin Bew, a London-based Economist Intelligence Unit managing director, the Chinese economic growth is likely to decline to 7.3% in 2014. The rate of economic growth will slow further to 5.9% in 2018 and to approximately 5% after the next ten years, according to the EIU (Tian Para 5). Taking a keen look at the economy of China, one cannot fail to see looming signs of future economic doom. Banks have invested heavily into green energy project creating numerous corporations, which have in turn catapult China to the spot light as the world biggest producer of solar panels. High investments in the manufacturing sector have begun to take a toll on the country’s economy with bankruptcy hitting most banks that investment heavily solar panel manufacturing. The booming property market is growing in such a way that it seems to have surpassed government control. When the boom is finally over, anyone can only pray that China has a soft landing. However, the Chinese private consumption still remains the lowest when compared to major economies of the world. Unfortunately, there have been minimal attempts by the government to implement reforms that could reverse this trend. The Chinese government has practically balked at any possible reform that could boost consumption. The Chinese government policy is more of its old

Monday, October 28, 2019

Lows Gully Essay Example for Free

Lows Gully Essay This case is about British Army adventurous training exercise to Low’s Gully in Borneo, Malaysia. The exercise was intended to build leadership skills and character in 10 volunteer soldiers. The task was to scale down a dangerous and untraversed gully, a 10 mile long chasm that served as drain for rainwater, using abseiling technique and then follow the river out of the jungle. This team was led by two British officers who recruited five soldiers from units in Great Britain and three Chinese soldiers stationed in the British Army’s Hong Kong Military Service Corps. The eight soldiers knew little or nothing about each other. In the face of adversity during the exercise, the participants separated into sub teams despite being individually trained by the army to work well with other soldiers and to follow the ‘golden rule for such expeditions never split up. † (Connaughton 1996). Participants easily could have lost their lives when the planned ten day exercise ended up lasting up to five weeks. Half of the group members actually accomplished the initial objective and the other half had to be rescued by a helicopter. All of them were in ill health and famished and some badly injured. The catastrophic failure also left them mentally scarred and two of them actually quit the army disillusioned or disgraced. Even though attempting to traverse an uncharted and hostile territory is bound to test any team dynamics, it was the leadership failures of Lt. Col Neil and Major Foster that amplified the adversity that faced the team. There were several misjudgments on the part of these two individuals that eroded the trust between the team members. Neil miscalculated the amount of rope required for abseils and was the major reason why the team split, leaving no avenue to regroup in case of adversity. Secondly, he purchased no walkie talkies in an effort to minimize the budget that resulted in lack of communication between the two split parties. Primary tools of communication such as maps, star charts and radio beacons to broadcast locations were also ignored. Another misjudgment on Neil’s part was to go ahead with the mission in the rainy season despite being warned by locals of the unpredictable weather and increased difficulty of scaling down the gully. Each misjudgment reflected the leader’s overconfidence in his judgment – ‘a cognitive bias’ called in literary circles that distorts managerial decision. Neil admits of being overambitious in his diary while he lay in the cave helpless awaiting rescue. As Mann, one of the soldiers put it, â€Å"these are two officers on their last great hurrah†. As these mistakes became evident on the course of the mission, the soldiers trust grew into mistrust of the leader’s abilities and judgments and finally led to a permanent group fracture. This erosion of trust was however gradual. There was a definite initial trust in the team due to communal common grounds. All the members were from the same organization i. e army and had gone through similar training and ethos. They also placed trust in the leader and his superior rock climbing certification and willing followed his instruction in the beginning. It was at a personal level that common ground failed to establish. The team realized early in the start the lack of benevolence on the leader’s part. When the officers ignored warnings from the locals about the harsh weather conditions, the soldiers felt it as inadequate concern for the well being of the rest of the team. Then integrity based doubts began to emerge when the team found out that the leaders were carrying rucksacks lighter than them. They also felt they had been misinformed about the actual difficulty of the task at the time of recruiting. When the Chinese soldiers were expressed their safety concerns, they were threatened rather than being motivated. Hence the initial communal trust failed to hold due to lack of lack of benevolence and integrity from the leaders. The trust turned transitioned into trust with apprehension but even the soldiers continued to follow the leader’s orders refraining from all out disobedience. The final breakdown in communication and permanent and physical split took place when the adversity of the course was at its peak. The group of 10 was split between the most physically fit and the others. Others included both the leaders. Physically fit were told to scale down the gully first and act as reconnaissance party for the others. After abseiling for several days till they reached a point of no return, Corporal Mayfield reported back to the Neil to make him aware of the situation. Neil did not heed to this warning once again and told the ‘recce’ party to go ahead and wait at the bottom. The ‘recce’ party proceeded hesitantly and waited for them at the bottom severely exhausted. When they ran out of rations they finally proceeded out of the woods leaving the group permanently split. The lack of proper communication was at fault when Neil failed to realize the gravity of the situation. As a leader in place of Col Neil, I would have avoided being overambitious and would have carefully assessed the difficulty of the exercise in great detail. Primarily because I was in charge of the safety of my team members and it was my responsibility to prepare them of the task which lay ahead. I would have paid special consideration to the advice of the locals who knew more about the terrain we are about to tread. The amount of rope needed for abseiling and the suitable weather for the task would have had my extreme focus. There will be no compromise on integrity on my part and would never fake my climbing certification to gain acceptance from the rest of the team. In terms of communication, I would have gathered equipment which let all members keep in touch in times of adversity. Radio beacon, walkie talkies and maps are important tools to avoid communication failure and a potential group split and I would make sure to accompany them. Also in order keep communication two ways with my junior team members I would have made sure Major Foster acted as my conduit to team members of my orders and let me know of any apprehensions my soldiers had. This is crucial to repair trust trepidation at its beginning and avoid it to lead to distrust. The information is easier to trickle down but there should be a mechanism where the information has to trickle up as well. This is the reason, as a leader, it is important to heed to junior team member’s assessment of ground and treat them as eyes and ears. Even though ‘recce’ party was established to do that, Neil never realized the gravity of the situation when abseiling the 1 mile gully. The possibility of a permanent split between the team at the gully would be inacceptable to me. Even though I think it is a wise idea to create subgroups with a team to achieve more efficiency, I have would make sure the subgroups consisted of members with complementary skills instead of similar ones. Separating the most physically fit members with the rest was fatal in the end and that is the reason why they accomplished and the weaker members failed.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Essay -- Frankenstein Essays

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Nineteen-year-old Mary Shelley didn’t know when she began it that her â€Å"ghost story† would become an enduring part of classic literature. Frankenstein is an admirable work simply for its captivating plot. To the careful reader, however, Shelley’s tale offers complex insights into human experience. The reader identifies with all of the major characters and is left to heed or ignore the cautions that their situations provide. Shelley uses the second person narrative style, allusions both to Coleridge’s â€Å"Rime of the Ancient Mariner† and the legend of Prometheus, and the symbols of both light and fire to warn against the destructive thirst for forbidden knowledge. Frankenstein’s tale is narrated in the second person in order to warn the audience directly. Relatively few novels are written in the second person, but those that are have the singular ability to talk directly to their readers. Shelley went to great lengths to preserve this admonishing quality in her narrative: in order to speak to the reader as â€Å"you,† the book had to be written as a letter. Knowing the destinies of her characters, however, Shelley knew that neither of the principals would survive long enough to realize their mistakes. She therefore invented Capitan Walton who would, in his letters, preserve the imperative tone of the second person that is so essential to her purpose. The book was written in the second person so that the warning that Dr. Frankenstein gives to Captain Walton is preserved and relayed to Shelley’s readers: you and me. A classic example of the warning voice inherent in the second person narrative is Coleridge’s â€Å"Rime of the Ancient Mariner.† The entire purpose of the mariner’s tal... knowledge not informed by morality has let loose on our 21st-century world such monsters as the atomic bomb, whose whereabouts are unknown, and whose existence threatens our lives every minute. Shelley may not have realized all of the implications of her writing, but she understood human tendencies. She raised a warning that unfortunately has gone largely unheeded . Like the ancient mariner, Frankenstein addresses his readers directly and warns against the destructive fire of forbidden knowledge—knowledge not anchored by morality. Perhaps the most compelling warning in the book is given in Frankenstein’s own weary voice as he prefaces his tale: â€Å"Learn from me, if not by my precepts, at least by my example, how dangerous is the acquirement of knowledge† (57). Work Cited Shelley, Mary. Frankenstein. Ed. Johanna M. Smith. Boston: Bedford, 2000.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Law in Business

On 15th October 2010 East Midlands Airways (EMA) advertise a second-hand Airbus 321 for sale in an aviation industry trade journal for ? 12. 5m. Later that same day, Colvin, the Chief Executive Officer of Houston Aviation Ltd, phones EMA’s Managing Director Patricia. Colvin says that his firm would very much like to view the Airbus 321 but that he is off on a 5 day business trip to Dallas, Texas and will not be able to view the aircraft until he returns.Patricia says that if another buyer comes forward she will have to sell the Airbus 321 to that buyer. Colvin then says he will pay ? 100,000 if EMA promises not to sell the Airbus 321 to another buyer for the next 5 days. Patricia agrees to this. Analyse whether any contract has been made between the parties and if so, what are its terms? Refer to the facts briefly and discuss the relevant case law that supports the conclusions you arrive at in your answer. Also advise on any practical implications for the parties.In legal term s a contract is defined as ‘Any legally binding agreement voluntarily entered into by two or more parties that places an obligation on each party to do or not do something for one or more of the other parties and that gives each party the right to demand the performance of whatever is promised to them by the other parties. ’[1] In this essay I am going to look at whether a contract has been made by the two parties, I will then look at the elements of this contract, what this contract means, whether it has been breached and the results of this. I will use relevant case law to support my findings.The first thing to consider is that the advert placed in the industry based journal is an invitation to treat. They have advertised a price in the journal of ? 12. 5m however this is not an offer so they are not obliged to sell at this price. An invitation to treat is an invitation to negotiate, or an invitation to make a deal. [2] We can be sure that this is an invitation to tre at and not an offer if we look at the case of Partridge v Crittenden (1968). In this case the defendant was advertising in a magazine for sale of a bramblefinch for 25 shillings. Under the Protection of Birds Act 1954 it was illegal to offer for sale a bramblefinch.A customer then posted a cheque asking for the bramblefinch. The defendant was held not guilty as the advertisement was an invitation to treat not an offer. After the invitation to treat Colvin contacted Patricia and made an offer to her that he would give East Midlands Airways ? 100,000 if they agreed not to sell the Airbus 321 in the next five days. Patricia agreed to the terms of this offer and therefore a contract was made They both agreed to the terms of the contract voluntarily. There are two types of contract unilateral and bilateral. Almost all contracts are bilateral because both sides make a contractual promise to the other. 3] In this situation the contract is bilateral this is because Colvin has made an offer of ? 100,000 and Patricia has accepted it, therefore there are two parties involved. A contract will only come into existence if the offer which is accepted contains all of the terms of the contract. A court must be able to obtain with certainty exactly what was agreed. [4] They take an objective view asking whether the reasonable person would have thought that the agreement was sufficiently certain. In Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton (1983) a lease gave a tenant an option to buy land at a price above ? 12,000 as agreed by two valuers.The tenant wanted to buy the land however the landlord refused to appoint a valuer as it said he must in the contract. This was held as the contract was certain and the landlord should have appointed a valuer. In this situation Colvin offered to give EMA ? 100,000 in return for them not selling the plane for five days. The five days is a set period of time, however there is no set period of time for the paying of the ? 100,000. This could be con sidered evidence for lack of certainty of the product. For an offer and acceptance to become a contract, the parties must have had an intention to make the agreement legally binding.The view the courts take is that they don’t look into whether the parties actually intended to create a legal agreement but whether they appeared to the reasonable person to have that intention. [5] In Parker v Clark Lord Devlin said ‘ the question (whether or not there is a binding contract) must, of course, depend upon the intention of the parties, to be inferred from the language they use and from the circumstances in which they use it’ In this situation Patricia isn’t legally bound to sell the plane to Colvin however she is legally bound not to sell the plane for five days, as Colvin is to pay EMA.An agreement can also not amount to a contract unless each party gives some ‘consideration’ to the other. In bilateral contracts the consideration of both parties tak es the form of a promise to do something in the future. [6] In Currie vs Misa the definition of consideration was made ‘ A valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, may consist either in some right, interest, profit or benefit accruing to on party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss or responsibility, given, suffered or undertaken by the other. ’ Colvin is offering to give ? 00,000 in the future and Patricia is offering to not sell the plane for five days. This also fits Sir Frederick Pollocks definition of consideration as being ‘the price of promise. ’[7] Consideration must be sufficient but need not be adequate, it must have some economic value and consideration must move from the purpose. [8] When looking at whether consideration is sufficient we are looking at whether that which has been provided relates to the value of that which is being contracted for. When looking at this situation ? 100,000 does not seem a lot compared to ? 12. m for the plane, however Colvin isn’t buying the plane just the right that it not be sold for five days, so the amount does appear to be sufficient. In Thomas v Thomas (1842) the executors of a will promised the deceased’s widow that she could live in the matrimonial home if she paid ? 1 rent and continued to maintain the property. The court held that the widow had provided something of value in exchange for the executor’s promise despite the fact it was in no way adequate in relation to the price of the property. However, it was legally sufficient. When looking at this case it is clear the Colvin’s ? 00,000 is sufficient. Colvin’s consideration obviously holds economic value. Patricia’s consideration of not selling the plane for five days may hold economic value for Colvin as he will make money out of the plane if he gets the chance to purchase it. The consideration in this situation is executory as Colvin has promised to give Patricia ? 100,000 in t he future. Another example of executory consideration is in Nicolene Ltd v Simmonds the consideration of both parties is executory as the defendant promised he would deliver the 3000 tons of steel bars, and the claimants promised that they would pay for them.Colvin’s consideration will become executed when he pays the ? 100,000. We must then consider whether both parties had the capacity to make any contract they please. In this situation from the information we are given there is no reason to suggest that both Colvin and Patricia didn’t have the capacity. A contract is made up of express terms and implied terms. Express terms of the contract are contained in the offer [9]. Sometimes it can be very difficult to tell what are the express terms in a contract, assurances and promises are often made over a period of time.However in this offer it is clear that the express terms are that Colvin gives EMA ? 100,000 and in return Patricia will not sell the plane for five days. Both parties are in the Aviation Industry with Colvin the Chief Executive Officer of Houston Aviation Ltd, and Patricia is the Managing Director of East Midlands Airways. This means that both parties will have a similar level of knowledge on the subject of the contract, the plane, so we do not need to consider that one party has more knowledge that the other.This happened in Oscar Chess Lt v Williams (1957) when the defendant sold a car to a car dealer saying it was a 1948 model, it turned out to be a 1939 model. The defendant was not found liable as the dealer had considerably more knowledge about cars, and what the defendant said was a representation rather than a term. If Patricia breaches the contract by selling the plane within 5 days then Colvin is within his right to refuse to pay the ? 100,000. If Colvin breaches the contract then EMA can take action for that amount of money.In conclusion, I think that there has been a verbal contract made between East Midlands Airways and Houston Aviation. This resulted from the invitation to sell by EMA which led to Houston Aviation making an offer of ? 100,000, not for the plane, but for EMA not to sell the plane for five days. This was accepted by EMA. The agreement would have been considered sufficiently certain by the reasonable man. Then it was established that both parties did intend to enter the agreement, and both showed consideration making promises for the future. References Macintyre, E (2010). Business Law. 5th ed.Harlow: Pearson Education. 77,79,88,103,108,134 Murray, R (2008). Contract Law The Fundamentals. London: Thomson Reuters. 48,49 http://law. yourdictionary. com/contract Partridge v Crittenden (1968) 1 WLR 1204, 2 All ER 421, (1968) 112 SJ 582 Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton (1983) AC 444, (1982) 3 WLR 215, (1982) 3 all ER 1, HL Parker v Clark (1960) 1 WLR 286, (1960) 1 All ER 93, (1960) 104 SJ 251 Currie vs Misa (1875) LR 10 Exch 153, 44 LJ Ex 94, 23 WR 450, Ex Ch Thomas v Thomas (1842) 2 QB 851 Nicolene Ltd v Simmonds (1953) 1 QB 543, (1953) 2 WLR 717, (1953) 1 All ER 822, CAOscar Chess Lt v Williams (1957) 1 WLR 370, (1957) 1 All ER 325, (1957) 101 SJ 186, CA Bibliography Macintyre, E (2010). Business Law. 5th ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Murray, R (2008). Contract Law The Fundamentals. London: Thomson Reuters. http://law. yourdictionary. com Denoncourt, J (2009) Business Law. Oxon: Routledge Cavendish ———————– 1. http://law. yourdictionary. com/contract [1] Macintyre, 2010, p77 [2] Macintyre, 2010, p79 [3] Macintyre, 2010, p88 [4] Macintyre, 2010, p103 [5] Macintyre, 2010, p108 [6] Murray, 2008. p48 [7] Murray, 2008, p49 [8] Macintyre, 2010,p134