Saturday, December 28, 2019

Where Do 0 Degrees Latitude and Longitude Intersect

The equator and prime meridian are both invisible  lines that circle the Earth, and they help us in navigation. Though invisible, the  equator (0  degrees  latitude) is a very real location that divides the world into the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The prime meridian (0 degrees  longitude), on the other hand, was created by scholars who needed some point as a frame of reference to begin noting east-west points on the map. Location of 0 Latitude, 0 Longitude It is by pure coincidence that the coordinate of 0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude falls in the middle of a little-known body of water. To be exact, the intersection of  zero degrees  latitude and zero degrees longitude falls about 380 miles south of Ghana and 670 miles west of Gabon. This location is in the tropical waters of the eastern Atlantic Ocean, in an area called the Gulf of Guinea. The Gulf of Guinea is part of the western edge of the African tectonic plate. Most notably, according to the theory of continental drift, this may have been the location where South America and Africa were once joined. A look at the maps of the two continents quickly reveals the remarkable possibility of this geographic jigsaw puzzle. What Marks 0 Degrees Latitude, 0 Degrees Longitude? Very few people in the world will ever pass over the point  where the equator and prime meridian meet. It requires a boat and a good navigator, so, unlike the prime meridian line in Greenwich, there is not much call for tourism at this location. The spot is marked, though: a weather buoy (Station 13010—Soul) is placed at the exact location of  0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees longitude. It is owned and maintained by the Prediction and Research Moored Array in the Atlantic (PIRATA). Like other buoys, Soul regularly records weather data from the Gulf of Guinea, such as air and water temperature and wind speed and direction. Null Island Natural Earth GIS Data also added an imaginary island to the 0,0 location in 2011. It is a designated area of one square meter (10.8 sq ft) called Null Island. Natural Earth Data refers to it as a troubleshooting country ... with an Indeterminate sovereignty class, and it is used for for flagging geocode failures which are routed to 0,0 by most mapping services. (Geocoding is a process that takes data involving physical addresses and translates them into geographical coordinates.) Since its creation, through fiction, the island has been given its own geography, flag, and history. Is This Intersection Important? The equator is an important line on the earths surface. It marks the line above which the sun is directly overhead on the March and September equinoxes. The prime meridian, on the other hand, is an imaginary line, created by people to mark zero degrees longitude. It just happens to pass through  Greenwich, but it could have been located anywhere. Therefore, the intersection of zero degrees longitude and zero degrees latitude is of no geographic significance. However, just knowing that it is in the Gulf of Guinea may serve you well on a geography quiz, when playing  Jeopardy  or  Trivial Pursuit, or just  when you want to stump your friends and family. Sources US Department of Commerce, et al. â€Å"NDBC Station Page.†Ã‚  NDBC, 8 Nov. 1996.â€Å"Natural Earth Version 1.3 Release Notes: Natural Earth.†Ã‚  Natural Earth Title, 2011.

Friday, December 20, 2019

William Shakespeare s Othello And Timon Of Athens

Of the many people to have critiqued King Lear, A.C. Bradley arguably does the most through job as seen in Lecture VII and VIII of his work Shakespearean Tragedy. In Lecture VII, Bradley begins by discussing the similarities King Lear has to Shakespeare’s other works including Othello and Timon of Athens (245-246). For instance, in Othello, Iago reminds of Edmund and Othello’s trickery reminds us of the deceitfulness of Gloucester. Additionally, the scene where Othello watched Iago and Cassio talk about Bianca bares a similar resemblance to Edmund’s attempt to make Gloucester see his conversation with Edgar (Bradley 245). Bradley then goes on to discuss the lack of clarity in many of the important scenes such as why King Lear would divide the kingdom among his daughters and make them tell him how much they love him (250). Furthermore, although the final battle was of the most importance, it became largely insignificant because of the numerous prior battle sc enes and characters involved (Bradley 255). Bradley also raises some very interesting questions in regards to the number of inconsistencies throughout the play such as why Gloucester traveled to Dover to attempt suicide, why Kent stays in disguise during the final scene, and why Shakespeare does not provide us the locations of the scenes like in his other works (257-259). As the lecture progresses, Bradley delves deeper into analyzing King Lear. Bradley starts by pointing out the use of double action, which heShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeare s Influence On The Course Of World History1440 Words   |  6 PagesWaldo Emerson, a famous essayist inspired by Shakespeare’s works. William Shakespeare was a renowned author, poet, actor, and playwright. He has contributed to many components of life today such as; founding modern English language, contributing to literature, contributing to modern theater, and contributing many of his works to modern English. William Shakespeare h as greatly impacted the course of world history. William Shakespeare was believed to be born on April 23,1564, in his hometown of Stratford-upon-AvonRead More Shakespeares World Essay3144 Words   |  13 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Almost every nation on earth reads, studies and performs the works of William Shakespeare. No writer of any country, nor any age, has ever enjoyed such universal popularity. Neither has any writer been so praised. As William Hazlitt observed, quot;The most striking peculiarity of Shakespeares mind was its generic quality, its power of communication with all other minds.quot; It is perhaps this quality that has earned Shakespeare the supreme accolade, that of lending his name to an era. Other thanRead MoreEssay on Biography of William Shakespeare2736 Words   |  11 PagesBiography of William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. He was baptized on April 24, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwickshire. He was the third of eight children born to John Shakespeare and Mary Arden, three of whom died in childhood. John was a well-known merchant and Mary was the daughter of a Roman Catholic member of the gentry, or high social position. The house where Shakespeare spent his childhood stood adjacent to he wool shop in which his father plied a successful

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Daniel L Schafer Analysis free essay sample

In Daniel L. Schafer’s book Anna Madgigine Jai Kingsley: African Princess, Florida Slave, Plantation Slaveowner, the life of a somewhat mysterious African born woman is broken down. There were many challenges to writing a biography on a woman who did not write any letters nor kept a diary on the events of her life. This and the fact that she was an African slave in the beginning of her life over in Florida made writing such a biography all the more challenging. I feel that Schafer has succeeded in providing an organized and descriptive piece on a historical figure whose background has very much been shrouded in mystery and uncertainty. The book stays true to the thesis and keeps Anna Madgigine Jai at the center of every topic. In the preface of this biography, Schafer makes his thesis very clear. He wants to write a â€Å"lively and imaginative yet scholarly† account of Anna Kingsley’s life that will appeal to a wide audience. He wants the reader to know the life of Anna and tries not to have her husband Zephaniah’s life accounts overpower hers. He begins by addressing the claims over in Florida that Anna was royalty in Africa. The claims of her being royalty can best be described as a legend that started to get passed around through word of mouth. There are no official documents stating if she was definitely royalty or not; also due to the fact that she was purchased as a slave by Zephaniah Kingsley, no documents of her family tree were recorded. However, Schafer did his best to find some truth in the legend. He relies on a local historian by the name of Abdou Cisse and also elders in the village of Yang Yang to explain the situations going on in the area around the time of Anna’s captivation to draw judgment on what her social status was in Africa. Their accounts both mention how Anna’s father was in competition for the throne but failed in the end, and Abdou Cisse mentions that the family would not want it to be known that Anna was a slave (Schafer 16-17). I feel that Schafer used this information in a responsible way that is sure to not mislead his reader, he makes it clear that her status of being royalty is uncertain. This portion of the book is a good example of how Schafer is able debunk tall tales from facts with the help of credible historical accounts. His quoting and references from many historical documents and people is what makes his book accurate and unbiased. Schafer uses many different sources to help drive and reinforce important points in Anna Kingsley’s life. He includes excerpts from interviews done with the people in Anna’s life, one such interview includes one done with Zephaniah Kingsley by Lydia Maria Child. The interview relates to the tales of Anna’s supposedly royal backgrounds and also the place of her marriage. Once again, Schafer is speaking on an uncertain topic but still manages to have strong supportive references so that the reader can get a better feel of what Anna’s life may have been like. I think one of the best sources he decided to include in his book were the accounts from the book The Summer of the Great-Grandmother by Madeleine L’Engle. This book gives accounts on the visits of a woman named Susan Philippa Fatio L’Engle to Anna Kinglsey when she was at Fort George Island. According to the book, the two women became friends and implies that Anna was a very interesting woman and provided enough conversation to keep such a â€Å"distinguished white lady† intrigued (Schafer 61). This source is important because it breaks down the idea that women of different races did not bond at all during such a racially segregated time. I feel that it also shows Anna being someone who can socialize with people of many different background types and does not feel inferior to whites because of her skin tone. This shows she considered herself equal to whites during the time, instead of bowing down to them, she bonded with them. This is the image that I feel Schafer wants us to see when we think of Anna Kingsley. She was a strong woman placed in a position that yielded power and respect from many races. Schafer also portrayed Anna as a heroine by telling the story of how she set fire to her own home after the British had taken over (Schafer 42). This story may or may not be true as well, but I feel Schafer added it in his book to further reinforce his idea of the woman Anna may be. Anna Kingsley’s life is described by Schafer through many time periods. He does not focus on one point in her life too strongly while leaving some areas lacking in detail or evidence, each time period in her life has substantial supporting evidence. His book is organized chronologically and gives insight on events during the time that affected Anna’s life as a slave married to her owner and also when she was a free black woman. He also explains the lives of Anna and Zephaniahs children in great detail. He is sure to include how events that effected Anna’s life also effected theirs. One of the strongest aspects of this book is how he used the accounts from other people and the situations that those people faced in a way that still keeps Anna as the main focal point. Even though he is using the lives of other people to tell her story, he does so in a way that does not confuse the reader. He worked well with the limited information he found and went the extra mile b y traveling to the area Anna was believed to be a descendant from in order to learn more about her. There is still some uncertainty about all of the events involving Anna Kingsley, but Schafer’s book does manage to clear up some of the mysteries that involve Anna and gives historical insight of how Florida was during the times slave trading was practiced.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Strategies of Research in the Accounting Setting and Practices

Question: Discuss about the Strategies of Research in the Accounting Setting and Practices. Answer: Introduction Generally, this research paper is divided into four major parts or questions in order to fulfill the aims and objectives of the study. For case, the first part is about research plan for the research that describes and analyzes various concepts and principles and applications of research that could be used in the accounting. Moreover, the second part of the study would address and analyze the key differences among the Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs and their used. The next part of the study is suggests that how the Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods are different as compare to Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods in the research. Finally, this research paper analyzes and evaluates the major factors or forces that may affect the successful implementation of managementaccounting systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Research Plan for the Research The Objective of the Research: Based on the given scenario, it is analyzed that, the main objective/purpose of conducting the research is to find and access the views and opinion of the company staff about the use of new system within the company. Moreover, to provide specific suggestions and recommendation in order to bring improvement within the current new system to overcome future challenges and issues is also the key aim of the research (Punch, 2013). Use of Qualitative Approach: Generally, a qualitative research approach would be used in this research in order to effectively and properly address the research questions and solve the research problems in an effective and proper manner. In addition to this, qualitative research approach would be used because it is most appropriate technique to collect qualitative information about the research topic, research questions and attain the research outcomes. For example, qualitative research will also offer in depth information about the research problem and help in addressing the research questions properly (Ng, Lingard, and Kennedy, 2013). In the same way, by using qualitative research method, information and data can be collected easily that is essential to address the research questions. Qualitative research method is also allows the researcher to collect subjective information and explore new area of research. For case, with the help of qualitative research approach, the researcher c an address and solve the complex research questions that can only be possible with qualitative research. On the other hand, in this study, the researcher would use qualitative research in order to collect detailed information about the opinion and attitude of staff regarding the use of new system (Taylor, Bogdan, and DeVault, 2015). The population Participants: In the study, the staff of the accounting firm and business partners are the population in the study which the employee or staff would be the main participant in this research because they are using new system in the company. Participants would play a lot of significant role in the overall success of the research because they will help in solving the research question and addressing the research problem effectively (Gerrish, and Lacey, 2010). Determination of Sample Size: In this research study, sample size would be determined by considering a number of observations and replicates. Moreover, the researcher would use and determine sample size in this study on the basis of data collection. At the same time, it is also important to know that, in this research study, the researcher would adopt various specific and scientific methods to determine the sample size from the study. For example, the researcher can use own experience and targeting the population of the study to determine the sample size in effective and proper manner (Mertens, 2014). How the sample of participants will be selected from the population: In this study, the researcher would adopt and use various techniques and method of sampling in order to select the sample of participants from the population. For example, simple random sampling, Systematic sampling, stratified sampling, clustered sampling, convenience sampling, Quota sampling etc are the most common and valuable sampling techniques that can be used as per the nature of study in order to select the sample from the population. This sampling method is more valuable in the research that allows the researchers to infer important data and information about a population. As this research is qualitative research, so the research would use simple random sampling method to select the sample (O'Leary, 2013). Data Collection from Participants: In this research study, data would be collected by using qualitative method of data collection. In addition to this, to collect the information from the participants of the study, the researcher would prepare and send a set of open and close ended questionnaire to the participants to gather the data and information about the research study. On the other hand, Surveys, and Interviews are other significant methods of collecting qualitative information from the participants. Hence, the research can conduct interviews and survey to gather the qualitative information to solve the research questions and address the research problem effectively (Mackey, and Gass, 2015). Example of the Questions: The following are the key questions that will be posed to participants: 1. How the new system helped you to increase your work productivity and skills? 2. What are the major benefits and advantages gained by you by using new system in the company? What are the key strategies or methods you would propose in order to bring improvements within the new systems? Steps to analyze the collected Data: The following are the major steps that would be used to analyze the collected data such as: Defining Questions Organizing information Setting of Clear Measurement Priorities Collecting Data (Creswell, 2013). Analyzing qualitative Data Integrate the information Interpreting Results Limitations: This research has not wider scope for the further research because lack of appropriate research methods and techniques. Moreover, the research does not have clear research objectives, questions, and methods that is main limitation of this study. There is also no link among the research questions and research problem that is other limitations of this study (Baskerville, and Wood-Harper, A2016). Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs The questions used in interviews are constructed differently in quantitative compared to qualitative research designs. For example, in the quantitative research design, interview questions are design to generate numerical data or information that is transferred into tables, charts and statics. But, in the Qualitative research design, interview questions are design to understand the motivation, reasons, and understanding. Moreover, when a research uses quantitative method to create interview questions, he or she use measurable data to formulate facts and uncover patterns in research (Smyth, 2016). But, Qualitative method is used to collect the quality data from the interview. Along with this, it is also important to know that, in the qualitative method, interview questions are develop by using various methods techniques such as: individual interviews, focus groups, participation/observations etc. In contrast, when interview questions are developed as per the quantitative method, the researcher uses different methods including face-to-face interviews, online polls, paper surveys, kiosk surveys, longitudinal studies, telephone interviews, online polls, website interceptors etc. Hence, it can be said that, questions used in interviews are constructed differently in quantitative compared to qualitative research designs (Guercini, 2014). Distinguish Between Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods There are several differences can be found among the Explanatory Sequential and Exploratory Sequential mixed method techniques of research. For example, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods is use to analyze and collect the quantitative data with the help of qualitative analysis. But, Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods mainly is utilized by the researcher to collect the qualitative data (Thomas, Nelson and Silverman, 2011). On the other hand, Explanatory Sequential method firstly focuses on gathering quantitative information then it collects qualitative in order to investigate the quantitative results. In the same way, it generates quantitative results effectively. In contrast, in using of Exploratory Sequential method, the researcher first gather qualitative information and then collect quantitative data. So, it produces quantitative information for the researcher (Vaishnavi, and Kuechler, 2015). In addition to this, it should also be noted down that, each types of research mixed methods design are used in the research to conduct the research. Both are appropriate for the research but use for the different purpose. For example, Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods is most appropriate when the researcher wants to collect qualitative results to explain and interpreting the finding of a quantitative study. At the same time, Exploratory Sequential mixed method is appropriate when the researcher try to develop and test a new instrument in the research study (Tran, 2016). Computerized Information Processing System It is analyzed that, Simples Solution is a consulting company that helps its client organizations in improving internal communications. Moreover, it is decided by the management of the company that, Simples Solution would adopt computerized information processing system in run the business operations and functions accurately, smoothly and effectively. The new system would provide a lot of benefits to the employees and organizations. For case, the new system would allow the accountants to conduct variousaccounting functions and transactions more innovatively and effectively (Whitbeck, 2011). On the other hand, the functions of the new system would not be limited because it would also help the organizational people to collect significant and meaningful information to make most appropriate decision. In the same way, the new computerized information processing system would improve decision making abilities of the employees in developing client record keeping system. But, there are severa l factors or forces that may contribute or hinder the successful implementation of management accounting systems in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). As an assistant accountant at Simples Solution, I am responsible to make a report on the factors that may affect the success of the new system (Veiga, and Eloff, 2007). It is found that, there would be several types of technological factors that would affect the success of new systems. For example, service quality, system quality and information quality are the major technological factors that may affect the acceptance of new computerized information processing system and increase the performance of the new system within the small and medium company. On the other hand, if the new system would be easy to use, flexible, easy to learning, and responsible, it would improve the organizational productivity, and profitability. In contrast, if the new system would not be flexible and easy, it may affect the success and growth of the company. At the same time, it is analyzed that, computer self-efficacy and user experience are the people oriented factors that may affect the success of new system in the company (Duggan, Johnson, and Grawemeyer, 2012). Apart from this, there may be various organizational factors that would have a direct impact on the successfully implementation of new system. For case, top management support, and end-user training are considered two major factors that could affect the implementation process. It is because the successfully implantations of new system would require proper and specific support from the top management to attain the key objectives. If there would be no support from the higher management of the company, the new system could not be successfully implemented at the company. On the other hand, after the support from top management, a small and medium company would have to provide and conduct the training programs on the new system so that the employees can effectively understand the benefits and advantages of using new systems (Jansen, and Grance, 2011). The cost and time are others factors that may also affect the success of new system. For instance, when the company implements the new system at the workplace, it would require recruiting special and technical staff to effectively execute the new system. So, in recruiting of new staff, the company has to pay them for their services that may increase the costs of the company and affect the profitability of the company. Moreover, Availability of Resources can also create a lot of challenges and affect the success of new systems. For case, if there would be lack of available resources, the company could not successfully execute the new system at the workplace. (Bidgoli, 2006). In addition to this, involvement of the stakeholders, proper training, leadership and management support, available resources, financial support from company, and support from the community etc are the fundamental forces that may affect the successfully implementation of new technology or system at the workplace. For example, all the stakeholders such as: customers, employees, management, investors, community should participate in the new system and provide their suggestion to make it more successful. If there would be no proper support, the company could not be able to implement a new system effectively at the company. It may also affect the results and outcomes in the future. On the other hand, it is also important for a company to provide sufficient resources to their staff, technical teams, and employee so that they could effectively and properly adopt new system at the workplace. In contrast, if a company does not provide required resources, the staff would not be able to adopt new system at the workplace. Hence, there should be proper and sufficient resources in order to execute the new system successfully (Veiga, and Eloff, 2007). Apart from this, it should also be noted down that, in order to make new system more successful, a company should also provide financial assistance to their staff so that can utilize available resource to attain the objectives of new systems. At the same time, it is also important to the company to promote the needs and wants for the new system at the workplace to make technology more successful. In addition to this, it is also found that, for the use and execution of new computerized information processing system, a company would also need to develop innovative, dynamic and specific strategies in order to fulfill the aims and objectives associated with the new technology and systems. Moreover, the employees motivational level should be increased to successfully use the new system at the workplace. Furthermore, a company should also analyze both internal as well as external business environment before implementing any new system. It is because without analyzing the external and inter nal factors, the company could not be success in executing new system in the company. Hence, it can be said that, all these factors would affect the success of new computerized information processing system (Guercini, 2014). Conclusion Overall, it can be concluded that, the concepts, principles, applications of the research plays significant role in the accounting setting and such concepts could improve the accounting and financial performance of the companies. Moreover, it can be said that, both Between Explanatory Sequential Mixed Methods and Exploratory Sequential Mixed Methods are not similar. Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs are major different methods used in research to attain the research objectives and various differences could be found among these two. Finally, it can be concluded that, organizational, technical and people oriented factors affect the success of new system in a company. References Baskerville, R. L., and Wood-Harper, A. T. (2016). A critical perspective on action research as a method for information systems research. USA: Springer International Publishing. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. 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